if you want to get informed about site-updates, new releases and events where dot.matrix performs, feel free to subscribe to our newsletter.
what is dot.matrix ?
dot.matrix is a project of four musicians from vienna / austria / europe. after many years of making lo-fi music on our own, we decided to form dot.matrix to show the people that lo-fi music is not only geek's friend. - so ... fasten your seatbelts: turbulence ahead!
server move complete
hi all, as some of you might have noticed, dotmatrix.at was offline for the last two months. we had to move the site to a new server.
donauufer-autobahn a22 bei ausfahrt richtung graz auf b226, bei floridsdorfer hauptstraße rechts abbiegen, wenden, am hubertusdamm rechts abbiegen, den schildern zum parkplatz wasserrutsche folgen.